For a better life
It shouldn’t take a new year for you to start making changes in your life.
1. Everything and I mean everything you want to achieve begins with a allow yourself the time and space to daydream, visualize, and use your imagination to craft the most amazing scenarios of what you want your life to be. Get rid of the realistic and logical thoughts of what can happen based on your past. Thoughts are made of the living, breathing, creative energy that makes everything possible, so use your thoughts wisely.
2. There is no dream that is too big to achieve. Whether you want to live in a mansion, be a Broadway performer, or own your own personal island, there is nothing too big for you to achieve. I know this from experience. If you would've told me 10 years ago that I would marry my soul mate, have a family and a business doing what I love, I would've laughed at you. At that point in my life the dream was too big to even consider, but I now know anything is possible.
3. You have a gift and it is meant to be used, given, and shared in this life. Use it, gift it, apply it, but whatever you do, don't waste it. Life is too precious to leave your song unsung, your book unwritten, or your dreams undone. Stop questioning if you are good enough, special enough, or gifted enough to do it. You absolutely are!
4. You are meant to thrive and that means doing great things and enjoying life. In fact it's what life is all about. So, stop questioning your worth, let go of the stories you keep telling yourself about why or how or when you will be able to do XYZ and just do it already!
5. No matter where you are in your life, you will always be able to come up with an excuse to wait. Don't. You may want to wait until you have more money, experience, time, courage, or when you are smaller, wiser, healthier or more mentally prepared, but the truth is there is no "perfect" time to do anything. Life changes daily and as long as you use that as an excuse to keep waiting, you'll never begin. Do yourself a favor and start today.
Be patient – Remember that when you are making big changes in your life, don’t expect results right away. If you were to start a weight-loss program, would you expect to lose ten pounders after your first day? Sometimes don’t go as well as things are planned either, so expect problems to occur during your progress. Things take time to pan out, so stay patient and soon enough you will notice the outcome.
Trust yourself – If you can’t trust yourself, how can you trust anyone else? Be confident in your choices and don’t ever forget who you really are. You have gotten this far in life already, and it was probably because of the choices you made, not anyone else. And in order to change who you are, you have to accept yourself and trust that you are doing the right thing. Second guessing yourself or trusting others before yourself will push your progress backwards. When you truly trust yourself, there’s no one that can stop you from achieving your goals