Pp 助手 Chung Bong download applications without Jailbreak

PP助手 让手机简单好用

Pp 助手 Chung Bong download applications without Jailbreak

The program name "PP 助手»
website  Program:  


Fast definition of the program: download applications without the need to jailbreak
I mean who happened to 6.1.3 and involvement tell him not to be sad with no soul will find all the Matrade
The program has a copy of Windows only
It supports iPad and iPhone, iPod

This iPhone

1. Download applications
2. Download audio clips such as songs, ringtones, upload photos, videos and transfer them to your device
3. download books that support PDF ... etc.
4. download the appropriate firmware for your device from the program
5. Tensiel gauze files saved by the A4 processor course


  Chinese language program Maver second language
Maidam Macs unfortunately

The beginning of course carry the program from the site Ahtath you over
Prove the program.
These are the program's interface after Manousel iPhone to your computer

Use claimed style numbering in the explanation easier
Each square on the menu claimed disconnect more, God willing,

1. Store or applications Antrh
2. The same situation Mkirkh applications,

Applications from App Store store this Withdraw option because if it is necessary to assume Jet account
4. Download the songs "foreign Music Mahsalt other!" And ringtones, pictures,
5. If a campaign Shi claimed earned in stock
6. After loading Maictml claimed the move in the stock box Ashan complement the transport of your process
7. The same as above but this Elly for pron and claimed explain it, God willing
8. explicitly Magayt option to download videos from the program, but you can upload a video from PC to iPhone Wasit program
9. Place tones
10. Place upload images from your computer to your device
11. lifting books from your computer to your device
12. browse to the files saved by the gauze and download them to your computer
13. download the appropriate firmware for your device from the program rather Metrouh sites
14. convert audio clips into ringtones as needed.

Find a way for the application and upload it:

Pressure on the second option from the menu and search for the application to be
Like the picture "Numberbook"

1. This option to download from the account does not press a Ashan option Mattalaa you a list of account in the App Store!
2. The option to download Alttabaik

1. Application and hardware supported by the Information
2. Download the application and started moving to the downloads list "arrow mark" after download

This put pressure on the Alkhiaralehin move the application of Yvonne
Determine the application and derogatory tick
2. pressing the arrow italics bring him down device "iPhone iPad iPod"

How to download musical ringtones and images from the program and submit them to the device:

We choose the handset sign from the list
Elly above options are:
1. songs option
2. tones option
3. Pictures option

 you want the songs we choose the first option above and looking for a song Elly prophet
, Who under the handset option and who is listening and second download the song

Choose a list and define musical song and push like those people in the picture and choose the device name

How to download ringtones

Beautiful tone explicitly Libby who hears are looking for him and aspiration

After what we pressed download option and completed choose tones option from the menu and define them and choose the machine and kept it collects with ringtones

Download pictures and transfer

 go back choose the handset from the list mark
2. of who we choose the pictures above options, a third option
3. pull the load image, like the picture
Identify the images and move it and the pictures are very beautiful program

Media Player Classic

Media Player Classic is the perfect substitute for Windows Media Player.

Media Player Classic (parfois appelé MPC) est un lecteur multimédia qui fonctionne sous Windows.
Créé en 2003, Gabest en est toujours le mainteneur principal. Il s’appuie sur DirectX et les filtres DirectShow installés, aussi il présente le triple avantage d’être très léger, d’offrir de nombreuses possibilités, et d’être non intrusif. Il reprend une interface similaire à Windows Media Player 6.4. Il peut lire la majorité des fichiers multimédia puisqu’il lui suffit d’un filtre DirectShow capable de supporter le format pour pouvoir le lire et il demeure à la fois :

Download and Install Media Player 


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For a better life

It shouldn’t take a new year for you to start making changes in your life.

 1. Everything and I mean everything you want to achieve begins with a thought...so allow yourself the time and space to daydream, visualize, and use your imagination to craft the most amazing scenarios of what you want your life to be. Get rid of the realistic and logical thoughts of what can happen based on your past. Thoughts are made of the living, breathing, creative energy that makes everything possible, so use your thoughts wisely.

2. There is no dream that is too big to achieve. Whether you want to live in a mansion, be a Broadway performer, or own your own personal island, there is nothing too big for you to achieve. I know this from experience. If you would've told me 10 years ago that I would marry my soul mate, have a family and a business doing what I love, I would've laughed at you. At that point in my life the dream was too big to even consider, but I now know anything is possible.

3. You have a gift and it is meant to be used, given, and shared in this life. Use it, gift it, apply it, but whatever you do, don't waste it. Life is too precious to leave your song unsung, your book unwritten, or your dreams undone. Stop questioning if you are good enough, special enough, or gifted enough to do it. You absolutely are!

4. You are meant to thrive and that means doing great things and enjoying life. In fact it's what life is all about. So, stop questioning your worth, let go of the stories you keep telling yourself about why or how or when you will be able to do XYZ and just do it already!

5. No matter where you are in your life, you will always be able to come up with an excuse to wait. Don't. You may want to wait until you have more money, experience, time, courage, or when you are smaller, wiser, healthier or more mentally prepared, but the truth is there is no "perfect" time to do anything. Life changes daily and as long as you use that as an excuse to keep waiting, you'll never begin. Do yourself a favor and start today.
 Be patient – Remember that when you are making big changes in your life, don’t expect results right away.  If you were to start a weight-loss program, would you expect to lose ten pounders after your first day?  Sometimes don’t go as well as things are planned either, so expect problems to occur during your progress.  Things take time to pan out, so stay patient and soon enough you will notice the outcome.

 Trust yourself – If you can’t trust yourself, how can you trust anyone else?  Be confident in your choices and don’t ever forget who you really are.  You have gotten this far in life already, and it was probably because of the choices you made, not anyone else.  And in order to change who you are, you have to accept yourself and trust that you are doing the right thing.  Second guessing yourself or trusting others before yourself will push your progress backwards.  When you truly trust yourself, there’s no one that can stop you from achieving your goals